Elijah Jun Corpuz Inc. in Malate, Manila (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Elijah Jun Corpuz Inc. (Elijah Construction), including address, phone number, fax, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: Unit 205 Benrosi Suites, 1209 Pablo Ocampo St., Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004
phone Phone No.: (02) 491-4482
local_printshop Fax: (02) 432-0731 | (02) 961-3029
web Website: elijahconstruction.com
web Facebook: Facebook.com/ElijahJunCorpuzInc
email Email: [email protected]

About Elijah Jun Corpuz Inc. (Elijah Construction)

Elijah Jun Corpuz Inc. started with painting projects bearing its former name as Elijah Enterprises. In the seven years of continued operation, more projects have been acquire and the transformation of the company from single proprietorship to coporation became a necessity. Thus, in the first quarter of year 2012, the company completed its SEC registration, PCAB requirements, Business Permits and other pertinent documents necessary for business operation.

This company started when the idea of contracting flashed into the minds of the founders. With more than ten (10) years of practice of profession and with adequate contacts for both manpower and materials supply, there is indeed no reason for the concept of contracting not to push through.


Source(s): elijahconstruction.com | facebook.com/elijahjuncorpuzinc

Last Update: February 10, 2019