Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital in City of Manila (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital (DJFMH), including address, phone numbers, fax number, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: Lope De Vega Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila 1003
phone Phone No.: (02) 764-5561 to 65 | (02) 310-6009 | 735‐7144 | 735‐7146
local_printshop Fax No.: 735‐7146
web Website: fabella.doh.gov.ph
web Facebook: Facebook.com/Dr-Jose-Fabella-Memorial-Hospital-Dept-of-Health-148957991829419
email Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

About Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital

Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital is a national special hospital for obstetrics, gynecology and pediatric cases. Primarily a government hospital for charity patients, its functions are service, education training, public health and research. The medical service has 3 major departments: Obstetrics, gynecology, and Pediatrics, complemented by other professional service like the Department of Laboratory, Anesthesiology, Radiology, Family Planning, Admitting and Record Section, Out-patient and Ancillary services like the Medical Social Service, Dental Clinic and Pharmacy.

It has other services like Nursing Service, Administrative Service, School of Midwifery and DJFMH Comprehensive Family Planning Service.


Source(s): fabella.doh.gov.ph | doh.gov.ph | philhealth.gov.ph

Last Update: February 14, 2019