East Avenue Medical Center in Quezon City (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of East Avenue Medical Center, including address, phone numbers, fax numbers, website and email.

place Address: East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, 1100, Philippines
phone Phone No.: (02) 928-0611 to 24
local_printshop Fax: (02) 436-0997 | 929-2031 | 426-4405
web Website: eamc.doh.gov.ph
email Email: [email protected]

About East Avenue Medical Center

The EAST AVENUE MEDICAL CENTER is a 600-bed, tertiary, general hospital under the Department of Health. It has the primary goal of providing quality medical care and treatment to patients irrespective of sex, socio-economic status and religious creed.

Designated by the DOH as a training and teaching center, the hospital provides appropriate training programs, materials and facilities that aim at providing its medical and non-medical staff with opportunities for professional development and competency-building. Thus, with its well-trained and competent professionals, the hospital has continued to achieve its primary goal- the delivery of quality health care services to its patients.


Source(s): eamc.doh.gov.ph | doh.gov.ph

Last Update: February 14, 2019