Best Diagnostic Corporation in Quezon City (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Best Diagnostic Corporation, including address, phone numbers, mobile numbers, website, Facebook page, and email.

place Address: 94 Masikap, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101
phone Phone No.: (02) 8920-1023
(02) 8920-2963
(02) 8927-6783
(02) 8928-0861
phone_iphone Mobile No.: 0908-888-3306
local_printshop Fax No.:
web Website:
web Facebook:
email Email: [email protected]

About Best Diagnostic Corporation

Best Diagnostic Corp was formerly a single proprietorship, established in March of 1994 by a couple, who are both Doctors of Medicine and Licensed Medical Technologists. In 2002, it became a corporation under the leadership of the same couple, Dr. Antonio P. Balisi and Dr. Rosemarie S. Balisi.

BDC is a multi-specialty clinic with a complete line of medical services and state-of-the-art modern facilities. BDC offers a wide range of medical health services such as Laboratory Examination, CT SCAN, Mammography, X-Ray, ECG, UTZ, Medical Consultation, Dental Consultation, and Cardiovascular Examination.


Source(s): | Best Diagnostic Corporation FB Page

Last Updated on February 8, 2022