Ospital ng Imus in Cavite (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Ospital ng Imus, including address, phone number, Facebook page and emails.

Address: Malagasang I-G, Imus City, Cavite, Philippines 4103
Phone No.: (046) 419 8300
(02) 8249 8701
Facebook: Facebook.com/ospitalngimus2022
Email: [email protected]

About Ospital ng Imus

The Ospital ng Imus is the first public hospital in the 1st District of Imus and a recipient of the DOH-Health Facility Enhancement Program (HFEP) allocated with a total amount of 170 million pesos, (Php145,000.00 for infrastructure and 25,000,000.00 for medical equipment). The construction begun in 2014. It was completed and officially turned-over to the City Government of Imus by the regional office last April 2018.


Source(s): FB Page of Ospital ng Imus

Last Update: January 8, 2023