Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital in Bacolod City (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital, including address, phone numbers, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: B.S. Aquino Drive, Bacolod CIty, Philippines 6100
phone Phone No.: (034) 705 0000
(034) 432-7624
(034) 433-9805
(034) 432-7624
phone_iphone Mobile No.:
local_printshop Fax No.:
web Website: rivermedcenter.net
web Facebook: Facebook.com/Dr-Pablo-O-Torre-Memorial-Hospital-132893413501652
email Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

About Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital

Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital is a level 3, as per updated classification of the Department of Health (formerly Level 4), tertiary teaching hospital with a 300-bed capacity. Established in 1954 we are currently a member of the Metro Pacific Hospital Holdings, Inc. (MPHHI).


Source(s): Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Hospital FB Page | philhealth.gov.ph

Last Updated on December 2, 2021