Western Visayas Sanitarium in Santa Barbara, Iloilo (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Western Visayas Sanitarium (WVS), including address, phone numbers, fax number, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: Brgy. Inangayan, Santa Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines 5002
phone Phone No.: (033) 523-9885 | 523-8455 | (033) 523-9515 | (033) 523-8617
phone_iphone Mobile No.:
local_printshop Fax No.: (033) 523-9515
web Website: wvs.doh.gov.ph
web Facebook: Facebook.com/Western-Visayas-Sanitarium-1606428996277225
email Email: [email protected]

About Western Visayas Sanitarium

Western Visayas Sanitarium (WVS) is located in Barangay Inangayan and Barangay Bolong Oeste, Santa Barbara, Iloilo.

It was established in June 1927 as a Treatment Station for Leprosy Patients.

In May 30, 2005, through Administrative Order 2005-0013, WVS expanded its services from just a Leprosarium to a General Hospital which provides the five basic major services: Medical, Surgical, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Medicine and Pediatrics.


Source(s): wvs.doh.gov.ph | doh.gov.ph

Last Update: February 26, 2019