Batanes General Hospital (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Batanes General Hospital, including address, mobile numbers, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: National Rd, Kayhuvokan, Basco, Batanes
phone_iphone Mobile No.: +(63)999-990-7567 | +(63)998-982-8104 | (+63)939-936-5069
email Email: [email protected]
web Website:
web Facebook:

About Batanes General Hospital

The Batanes General Hospital (BGH) located at the northernmost part of the Philippines, originated as a public dispensary by virtue of the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946.

It then became a 25-bed capacity emergency hospital. With the passage of Republic Act (RA) No. 5720 in 1969, Batanes Hospital was designated as a National District Hospital under the Department of Health.

Consequently, it was upgraded to a 50-bed capacity hospital in 1974 and soon after in 1977, to a 75-bed capacity hospital.


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Last Update: January 27, 2019