Quirino Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Quirino Memorial Medical Center (QMMC), including address, phone numbers, fax numbers, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: Katipunan Road / JP Rizal Street, Project 4,
Quezon City, 1109, Philippines
phone Phone No.: 5-304-98008
phone_iphone Mobile No.:
local_printshop Fax No.:
web Website: qmmc.doh.gov.ph
web Facebook: Facebook.com/qmmc.doh.gov.ph
email Email: [email protected]
About Quirino Memorial Medical Center

Quirino Memorial Medical Center is a national government funded medical center under the Department of Health More popularly known as "Labor Hospital", the QMMC formally opened its doors to the public on August 15, 1953. It was the only government hospital of its kind in Quezon City when it was first established.

The site where the medical center stands, an approximate area of 42,000 square meters between Katipunan and J.P. Rizal east side of Project 4, Quezon City, overlooking Marikina Valley was donated to the Bureau of Hospitals by a mortgage executed by the People’s Homesite and Housing Corporation with the Philippine National Bank on December 5, 1951.


Source(s): qmmc.doh.gov.ph

Last Update: July 11, 2021